Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!
Admin Briefs
This is week 8 and it's the beginning of the common paper assessments (CPA) for all Levels. The Form 7 students are also sitting the end of semester 1 exams from USP.
This CPA will replace the Mid-Year Exams. Instead, two CPA's of 20% each will make up for the 40% that is usually allocated for the Mid-Year Exams.
Volunteer Program / Livewire Learning
There are two projects running parallel to help the staff and students. The Volunteer program has been brewing for some time now. The staff and students alike needed to familiarize themselves with the program.
Since the program is on our school's website, the students need to create their own email accounts. And so, we're indeed grateful to the Volunteer Program as they have created the email accounts for all 200 students in Level 6. There were a few students who had emails already and they'll use those.
We've just completed this week the drills with the Form 6 students on how to access the website, log on to the 'AFC Forum', and then post their questions or comments. The relevant tutor(s) will then respond depending on the question's field of study. Admittedly, the staff and students are excited about this program as it provides a second opinion or rather another perspective on tackling classroom questions and helping with the work of our teachers. We're indeed grateful to 'Unaloto, Fonomanu and the rest of the Volunteers for this wonderful innovation and contribution.
Livewire Learning: Seen above is a page from the NZ-based website run by Mr. Neil Riley. The staff and students can utilize the same procedures as for the AFC Forum program. They can enter using their email accounts and then post their questions.
Seen above are the email addresses for each student. They'll learn how to use their email with a password which of course is part and parcel of their learning process.
Seen above are our Volunteer Program Coordinators and their guest last night on a Radio 'Apifo'ou Melbourne talk show, Mr. Filo 'Akau'ola, President of our PTA.
Apifo'ou-Cawaci Alumni
Last Saturday the newly formed Apifo'ou-Cawaci Alumni gathered for the first time to set up the association. It was also an opportunity to mark St. John's College Feast Day in Fiji.
RIP Mr. Kue'a 'Apikotoa
Last night the news of Mr. Kue'a 'Apikotoa's passing was received with heavy hearts! He has been a solid backbone to the development of sports and rugby at the college. Personally, I draw consolation that I had a good laugh with him when I visited and anointed him last week.
I'd like to extend our deepest sympathy to the widow, the children and the rest of the 'Apikotoa family for the passing of their beloved Dad. Rest in Peace Kue'a.
Thank you one and all for your prayers and support for our beloved school. We definitely need your prayers as our students continue with their exams.
Viva AFC!