Greetings your Eminence, Cardinal Paini Mafi, and fellow Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
You may have noticed that our College Updates is now appearing on a fortnightly basis. The reason being is that there are less activities at the college at this time. The Levels 6 students are undergoing their external exams, while the Form 7 join the students of the University of the South Pacific for the end of the Semester exams. The rest of the students are engaged in extra-curricular activities such as Sports and Talent Quests. Meanwhile, the teachers are trying to complete the marking of the exams so as to have their Reports ready for the annual Prize Giving.
The arrival of a US Naval Boat gave us the opportunity to host some of the Officers. Their mission is titled 'The Pacific Partnership'. Apparently, this Naval Boat comprises Officers from England, USA, Australia, Canada, Scotland, and New Zealand. They spent a few hours interacting with our staff and students. Some Officers presented some of the unique services that they provide, while their combined musicians even performed some items to the delight of all of us here at the college.
Level 6 students
We are very hopeful this year that our students will achieve better results. The amount of concerted efforts by the students, teachers, and PTA has certainly boosted the confidence level of the students. Seen here below are the students lining up outside the Falemasiva Hall at Tailulu College to begin their external exams. Evidently, some students appear to be focused while others are in a relaxed mode!

St. Mary's Campus
The Dean of the campus, Sr. Akanesi Liongi smsm, and her staff are by no means lacking in creativity. They organised their own fun day with the students and then concluded the day with a shared lunch. Well done junior staff and students!

Seen above is Mr. Ha'amonga Tu'ipulotu showing the students how it's done!

New Rugby Jerseys
Santa Claus arrived early at the college this week! The new sets of Rugby Jerseys & Socks for Grades 1 - 5 have found their way to the college. These Santa Clauses are:
USA Ex-students Sports Sub Committee, Alumni 1970-71 Australia, Alumni 81-85 Australia, Kasia 86 ki Onopooni Aotearoa, Kalapu Kava Tonga Lalo Kasia Aotearoa. Fakamalo lahi atu pea 'ikai ha lea ia 'e mo'ua ke fakahounga'aki ho'omou 'ofa kotoa.

Seen here are reps from the different Grades posing with their jerseys plus Fr. Valu.

Pacific Partnership
The college was fortunate to be the first school that the Officers and combined Navy Band from a touring US Naval Boat visited in Tonga.

Seen here is one of ours beating two Naval Officers in the Push-up and Power Jump!

Remembrance Day
Apifo'ou College has participated in this ceremony since 2019 after the college conducted its first Cadet Training. The Remembrance Day is usually celebrated on the eleventh hour, day, and month of the year. Our Scout Officer Mr. Fuapau and a few students represented us in the wreath-laying ceremony in Nuku'alofa.

Seen above is the Crown Prince Tupouto'a after presenting the wreath.

Seen above is Mr. Fuapau and below is our school nurse, Gladys, who also presented a wreath to honour her maternal grandfather who took part in the war.

Agriculture Project
The college Agriculture Project continues this year with the planting of taro and cassava. This is a wonderful project because it involves the staff and students. We're guided by the belief that God will help those who help themselves! We don't want to be seen as casting our eyes to the heavens and hope for manna to come down!

The hard part is the fixing of the fences since the two-legged pigs around this area are quite lethal! We have to double and triple the barbed wires!

Our college truck looks fit for purpose with the college logo on its door. It was out of service for a while since there were too many hands driving it. Now it's only the Principal, Deputy Principal, and the school Mechanic who are allowed to drive it.

Special Visitors
The college is blessed to have Apifo'ou Family members who live and work overseas paying their alma mater a courtesy visit.

Seen above are Mrs. Aivi Siale, Mr & Mrs Lolohea with some of the members of the Executive Committee. Seen below is the Oceania Marist Province Council member Fr. Lutoviko Manu sm, utilizing his time in Tonga to check up on the Principal!

We're forever grateful for all your prayers and support for our beloved college. Please continue to pray for our senior students as their exams continue throughout this week and the next.
Viva AFC!