Week 5: 24th - 28th February
School programs are back to normal and Wednesday we had classes and work after lunch.
Fakahoko pe ngaahi polokalama angamaheni 'i he ako'anga pea ko e Pulelulu na'e fakahoko leva 'a e ngaue 'a e fanauako honau takitaha 'elia.

PTA still working hand in hand with the school in cleaning and replanting on school's grounds especially the front garden and also our statues in front of the office.
Sport Team are growing by their numbers and in campus for now.
Hokohoko lelei ai pe fetakinima 'a e PTA ki hono fakama'a mo too 'a e ngaahi 'akau teuteu 'i he 'elia ki he ngoue koia 'i he toumu'a 'o e 'ofisi pea pehee foki ki hono fakafo'ou 'o e ngoue 'i he ongo fakatata 'i he 'ofisi.
Tupulaki ai pe mo hono fakahuu mai 'o e fanau sipoti ki he mohe taha 'i 'apiako ni.

School's Mass on Friday still continue and 6R were responsible for the liturgy.
PTA meeting of Form 5 and 6 students, concerning with their government exams this year.
Misa angamaheni 'i he Falaite hili 'a e ngaahi kalasi, fakahoko fatongia ki he uike ni ko e Form 6R.
Fakahoko ai pe 'a e fakataha 'a e matu'a tauhi fanau 'a e Foomu 5 mo e 6 felave'i pe moe teuaki 'o e sivi ki he ta'u ni.

Tu'a 'ofa atu.